Certification for Tobacco Treatment Professionals

In collaboration with the American Heart Association (AHA), ATTUD is pleased to provide additional information regarding certification for our Tobacco Treatment Specialist (TTS) professionals. The Certified Professional by the American Heart Association – Tobacco Treatment is now available! For more information on the application process, see heart.org/tobaccotreatment and watch this space and the ATTUD listserv for additional information as it becomes available. 

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Join Us!

The Association for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence (ATTUD) is an organization of nicotine tobacco treatment specialists and researchers dedicated to the promotion of and increased access to evidence-based tobacco treatment for the tobacco user.

ATTUD has international reach, with members in the U.S., Canada, the UK and nearly two dozen other countries. If you are seeking help to quit smoking, you can find a list of resources, organizations and credentialed counselors who provide nicotine and tobacco cessation treatment here.

If you are a treatment professional, there are benefits to becoming a member.


Have a question?

We are here to help! Email us at [email protected]

The Benefits of Membership

  • Belong to a professional community of Tobacco Treatment Specialist
  • Stay current with the cutting-edge science of treating tobacco dependence.  
  • Contribute to and learn from an active professional listserv.
  • Be part of ongoing efforts to further develop the tobacco treatment specialization
  • Work together to advocate for third party reimbursement for tobacco dependence treatment and other policy change
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Overview of U.S. State Laws Regarding Tobacco Dependency Treatment in Clinical Practice

For an overview of U.S. State Laws requiring mental health and substance use facilities to provide tobacco dependency treatment in clinical practice, see here